Queensland Australia: Lowers age of consent laws for anal sex

The Queensland Palaszczuk Labor Government will introduce legislation to standardise the age of consent . Under current legislation, the age of consent for vaginal sex is 16, but anal sex , which is still referred to as sodomy or buggery under the Criminal Code , remains illegal until a person is 18. It has meant that confused teenagers particularly young gay men who have been sucked into the LGBT lies and ideology, have had issues accessing information, with doctors informing those seeking information on anal sex, about the illegality of the act. Anal sex tears the walls of the anal passage causing bleeding and transmission of various diseases. It is clearly against all evolutionary teaching and the purpose of reproductive organs - except sin knows no bounds. Health Minister Cameron Dick said following advice from an unknown panel, it was the only course of action the government could take. The names of those on the panel were not released and this points...