California bans travel to states that protect Christians who oppose gay ‘marriage’

The state of California has ordered a travel ban for its government employees to states that have adopted laws to protect religious freedom. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra , a pro-abortion Democrat, has unilaterally prohibited all state-sanctioned trips to Alabama , Kentucky, South Dakota , and Texas because those states have passed legislation allowing those who uphold natural marriage and biological gender to live by their sincerely-held beliefs. Becerra’s actions are designed to pressure target states to abandon religious freedom laws protecting Christians who oppose sodomy and/or disagree with gender theory. The latest four additions bring California’s “No Visiting List” to eight states in the lower 48, or eight percent of the country. Becerra noted his reasons for adding the four states: Alabama enacted a law in May that allows Christian adoption agencies to follow their faith’s moral criteria for placing children in homes. Their ...