
Showing posts with the label Michael Bradley

Homosexual marriage can't be compared with interracial marriage

Michael Bradley ,  a young Notre Dame philosophy graduate student , pushes back against the powerful governor of Massachusetts Deval Patrick , when the later argues that gay marriage is a civil right like interracial marriage : "Patrick first offers an argument that eludes this central question while simultaneously doing something rather insidious: employing the rhetoric of, and therefore inviting comparison to, the black civil rights movement in order to dress the same-sex marriage debate as just the next civil rights cause in marriage's sullied history. Such a move is predictable, old, tired and just a poor argument to make. In ruling the prohibition of interracial marriages unconstitutional  in 1967, the Supreme Court simply acknowledged that a man and woman of different ethnic backgrounds had all along been able to, in reality, form the sort of relationship that marriage is. That is, a white man and a black woman (for example) were just as able as a white man an...