Lotterywest CEO, Susan Hunt refuses to help the destitute

Former Australian tennis champion, Reverend Margaret Court is under attack again for her religious moral views. Her application for funding to assist in the purchase of a new freezer truck to distribute food to the poor was recently turned down because of her Bible-based views on marriage and gender. Victory Life Centre is a church in Perth, Western Australia that was founded by Rev. Margaret Court in 1995. Its large charity arm, Victory Life Community Services, provides food and assistance to the needy in the Perth area. Their application to Lotterywest, a funding organization with the responsibility of distributing grant money to worthy causes, was turned down by a unanimous decision of that organization’s Board, who cited Lotterywest’s “commitment to equality and inclusion” as the reason for their decision. Apparently their “commitment to equality and inclusion” doesn’t include tolerance of Christian beliefs. This type of behavior is what we see in North Korea and China. Susan ...