‘Sex Change’ Isn’t Surgically Possible, My Surgeon Testified in Court

Many people wonder why I’m so outspoken about the madness of prescribing cross-sex hormones and genital mutilation surgery for patients who suffer from the desire to be the opposite sex, known clinically as gender dysphoria. I speak out because I consulted the “gender experts” when I had gender confusion, and they told me sex change was the only way to get relief. But they were wrong. I didn’t need sex change — I need effective psychotherapy to resolve childhood issues. “Sex change” is pure balderdash . No one can change his or her sex. I have the document saying so. After eight years of living as a woman, I finally admitted that truth to myself and sought to reclaim my male identity. In an effort to restore my birth certificate to “male,” I formally asked two acclaimed experts in 1990 to testify to my being male in California Superior Court. They were Dr. Stanley Biber, the world-renowned sex-change surgeon who performed my operation and over 4,000 others in his career, ...