Sexual Madness and confusion now reins thanks to LGBTQ agenda

The article below shows what happens when you kick Biblical moral authority on relationships over the cliff and replace it with anything and everything based on individual lust and sexual immorality. We need a spiritual revival. ................................................................................................................ The men who populate Ritch C. Savin-Williams’s book Mostly Straight: Sexual Fluidity Among Men , released last month on Harvard University Press , are—honestly, truly—interested in women. They may lust for furtive, late-night sexual encounters with a “buddy” or find themselves intensely admiring a male porn star’s biceps, but this does not occlude their love for their wives and girlfriends, nor women in general. “Mostly straight,” as a male sexual identity , hasn’t entered the public’s consciousness the way gay or bi identities have, though that seems to be changing. According to one trend forecasting agency, only 48 percent of Gen Z identifie...