‘I am not ashamed of my faith:’ Air Force officer punished for Christian view of marriage speaks out

C ol. Michael Madrid knows he is not the only person in the military who has experienced “religious hostility” for his beliefs and so he decided to take a stand out of concern that “religious freedom will continue to slip away." Madrid, whose 26 years of military service earned him the Meritorious Service Medal four times, was punished by his new commanding officer because Madrid believes marriage is the union of one man and one woman. Despite Madrid being completely cleared after a thorough Air Force investigation into allegations that he spoke derogatorily about homosexuals, Major Gen. John E. McCoy arbitrarily and without evidence accused Madrid of lying and issued a surprise Letter of Admonishment against him, ensuring he would never be promoted and could be demoted. LifeSiteNews interviewed the beleaguered officer: LifeSiteNews: Tell us about your 26-year record of military service. Col. Madrid: I began my military career...