Drag queens at public libraries: the new strategy to indoctrinate kids and sideline Christians

Every summer growing up, my mother would dutifully drive my siblings and me down to the local public library so that we could be part of the annual Summer Reading Program. Reading contests were held, prizes were handed out, and nearly every week there was a new event for the kids—my two favorites being a costumed medieval troupe that taught us all about life in the Middle Ages, and an animal wrangler who came festooned with snakes and carting along other strange creatures. A recent glance at the news, however, illustrated to me just how much things have changed in the twenty or so years since I traipsed into the library every week with my family. These days, public libraries have now joined the growing list of places that are showcasing the LGBT movement to children, with activist groups sponsoring drag queens to read “LGBT-friendly” books to the boys and girls who assemble for these events. In Toronto, drag queens have been brought in to read stories like My Princess Boy to childre...