Parliament passes bill legalizing same-sex ‘marriage’ in Australia - sack Turnbull

SYDNEY , Australia , — The lower house of the Australian Parliament voted to legalize homosexual “marriage” today. The Marriage Amendment Bill 2017 passed nearly unanimously, with only four members of Parliament voting “No.” Late last month, the Australian Senate passed the legislation. Cheers erupted in the chamber and outside when the vote was announced. A majority of Australians considered the sanctioning of same-sex “marriage” a positive move. “This is Australia: fair, diverse, loving and filled with respect,” Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said . “For every one of us this is a great day.” But the PM statment is a lie as people of faith this was a day of mourning. The PM also promised religious freedom during thcampaing and then shifted those questions to a committee. This one leader has brough total disrepute to the nation of Australia. He fall s under God's condemantion of Romans 1:32 - who encourages those to perfrom the abomination of homosexual...