The Apostles Paul specifically mentions those who are effeminate and homosexuals as being unrighteous and worthy of God’s judgment

The Meaning of Arsenokoites Why should we believe that the apostle Paul , when he used the term arsenokoites, had in mind any kind of same-sex activity or practice? Is it not possible that he had in mind something very specific and did not refer to adult, mutual homosexual orientation? Is there any basis for insisting that the term does extend to homosexual activity and orientation? A fair consideration of the writings and background of the apostle Paul reveals that he was well versed in the Greek translation of the Old Testament, the Septuagint ( LXX ). It was his “Bible,” the text he used to share the truth of the gospel as he traveled about the world. While it seems sure that Paul could read the Hebrew as well, he was the apostle to the Gentiles, and the Septuagint was the source of his proclamation and the ground of his defense of the gospel as well. Indeed, at times, when the LXX differed in its wording from the Hebrew text , Paul would choose the LXX, knowing that his au...