Former Navy chaplain faced death threats from gay activists during successful run for Colorado assembly

A former military chaplain who was discharged for publicly praying in uniform has won election to the Colorado General Assembly , despite several alleged death threats from homosexual activists. Gordon Klingenschmitt, Ph.D., was elected on Tuesday with 70 percent of the vote. However, the victory was marred by three death threats the controversial opponent of same-sex "marriage" says were received in the last two months. According to Klingenschmitt, the threats came in September and October, after he publicly called for religious liberty for Christian business owners when it came to same-sex "marriage" ceremonies. One of the two emails received by the then-candidate referenced shooting Christians in the head, while a voice message told Klingenschmitt that the caller "will slit your [expletive expletive] throat." In his report to the FBI , the former Navy chaplain said that he wanted to press charges if the people making the threats could b...