
Showing posts with the label Adolescents

Tucker Carlson rips activist for promoting LGBT indoctrination in schools

Fox show host Tucker Carlson expressed what he called parental “outrage” when an LGBT activist defended a school’s plan to help children change their sex or race without parents’ knowledge or consent.  Tucker Carlson was questioning LGBTQ activist Mark Purpura of Equality Delaware about a proposal in Delaware to allow schools to help children “change” their sex or race without the children’s parents knowing.  “We don’t let kids make any decisions without their parents because their parents are in charge of them,” Carlson began on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” last Wednesday. “Why should they be encouraged to make a decision this profound without letting their parents know?” Purpura said that the measure was not meant to encourage children to make decisions, but simply to allow them to “identify their gender or their race for school records purposes.”  Parents can be applied to for permission to make the change, but the school considers whether or not t...

Transgender activists are not merely asking for tolerance or kindness—they are demanding affirmation

There is a huge difference between people who struggle with their gender identity and people who are LGBT activists . Most people who suffer from gender dysphoria are not activists, and many of them reject the activists’ claims. Many of them may be regarded as victims of the activists, as I document in the book . Many of those who feel distress over their bodily sex know that they aren’t really the opposite sex, and do not wish to “transition.” They wish to receive help in coming to identify with and accept their bodily self. They don’t think their feelings of gender dysphoria define reality. But trans activists do. And they tolerate no dissent. They’ve gone after “trans-friendly” doctors—who regularly support transition therapies for adults—for not being trans-friendly enough in encouraging children to transition. I tell the story of one clinic in Canada in particular where this took place. They are suing Catholic hospitals for declining to perform sex-reassignment surgeries ...

Why LGBT activists can’t see what’s wrong with a nine-year-old drag queen

Homosexuals are so blinded by their own self-justification that they cannot understand what is harmful about sexualizing children, according to commentator-journalist Chad Felix Greene . The Federalist  published Greene’s essay pointing out that the LGBTQIA + community is both encouraging pre-pubescent boys to become drag queens and heroicizing those who actually do. Case in point:  nine-year-old drag queen  Nemis Quinn Mélançon-Golden, better known in licentious circles as “Lactatia.” The Montreal boy performs the usual lewd sexual gestures and gyrations, wearing false eyelashes, thick makeup, glittering women’s clothing, and wigs. Greene noted that the boy is heralded as the “cover girl” for a line of sexy fashions sold online by Brandon Hilton. I think this new generation of drag kids is brilliant and inspiring! @Desmond_Amazing  and Lactatia are the future!  @TheHouseofMann  is just making sure they look SICKENING! people will talk no m...

Kinsey and Homosexuality - Scientific Fraud

Alfred Kinsey (5493900781) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) OVERVIEW: KINSEYAN SCIENCE AS CULPABLE Alfred C. Kinsey has been likened by supporters to a “scientific” Prometheus - bringing the equivalent of fire from the gods to enlighten mankind. Singlehandedly creating a sexology movement, his Kinsey Institute is the foundation of the Model Penal Code and all modern jurisprudence relating to sex and morality.  But unlike Prometheus, Kinsey was fanned by his own base desires. Kinsey set loose fraudulent sexual fires upon the world that matched his own sexual psychopathologies and created a conflagration of human passions, released from the bonds of traditional jurisprudence and morality. His statistical lies were translated into laws that destroyed extant common law protections for women, children, and the family. His acolytes built upon his frauds a medical-psychological-educational-legal complex that is destroying our children and our society. If we are to halt our moral anni...

Students at Catholic college protest planned Chick-fil-A over founder’s Christian view of marriage

Some college students at Pittsburgh’s Duquesne University are claiming, like Chicken Little , that the sky is falling. Sadly, given these crazy times, that’s no longer really news. We’ve seen a steady stream of reports about scholars being driven off campus by mobs of triggered students, of speakers being disinvited or losing announced awards because of their Judeo- Christian beliefs —all in the name of tolerance, diversity, and “safe spaces”! Truly, though, the kerfuffle at Duquesne shows what we’re up against. In March the university announced that the popular fast food chain Chick-fil-A would be opening in the Catholic school’s main food court. Instead of cheers for a company that donates generously to charity and makes a great chicken sandwich, the decision brought jeers from some students, who claimed this would put their “safe place … at risk.” One leader of a gay student group said Chick-fil-A has “a questionable history on civil rights and human rights.” A petition ...

How the ‘Catholic’ version of Ontario’s sex ed grooms kids for the Sexual Revolution: Grade 6 gays and lesbianism introduced as normal

Ontario ’s Liberal government paid $250,000 to have a Catholic educators’ organization attempt to reframe lesbian Premier Kathleen Wynne ’s   controversial sex-education program   so that it squares with Catholic teaching . But faithful Catholic parents scanning through the resources will likely be outraged — and even feel betrayed by Catholic leadership — over how much the resources deviate from authentic Catholic teaching. A Freedom of Information request earlier this month  found   that The Institute of Catholic Education (ICE), group of Catholic educators overseen by Ontario bishops, was paid the quarter-million dollars to develop materials to support staff in teaching the new expectations in the sex-ed curriculum as outlined by the government. The ministry has allowed Catholic schools to deliver the province’s sex-ed expectations through the schools’ already existing “ Fully Alive ” program. While there are smatterings of genuine Catholic content mi...