Homosexual now seek out therapist who affirm their lifestyle choice

Below is an article that is very odd. Odd because homosexual people who find themselves in distress, anxiety, needing counseling only want to go to therapists that support their gay ideology and worldview. By doing this they shut themselves off from truth and healing. Sadly, once again we see what scripture says in Romans 1 one fruit of this homosexual sin as foolish, blind hearts claiming to be wise, they become fools. The article is below. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Despite all the strides we’ve made in taking the stigma out of mental health issues , finding your dream therapist is still about as hard as twisting into a yoga-shaped pretzel or running a marathon. And for LGBTQ+ folks, who have an increased risk of depression, attempted suicide , PTSD, and addiction , the hurdle of finding a therapist can be particularly overwhelming. “The truth is that not all therapists are LGBTQ+ allies,” says Rena McD...