Catholic church- God did NOT make you gay - it is against God's holy nature

On Thursday’s EWTN The World Over Father Gerald Murray took apart the heterodox notion floated by some in the Church that the Lord creates people to be “gay”. He also derided the idea that God would make someone the wrong sex. The New York priest and Canon lawyer made his comments during this week’s Papal Posse segment with the program’s host Raymond Arroyo and editor of The Catholic Thing, Robert Royal. Arroyo had asked Murray and Royal to comment on the Vatican having included the term “LGBT” in the working document for the upcoming Youth Synod. News of the controversial move surfaced this week - the first time the Holy See has used the term in an official document. Catholics have been expressing concern that the Vatican is further capitulating to the “gay” lobby, and not surprisingly has been lauded by the “LGBT” movement for its “gay”-affirming actions. “This is a big problem,” Murray stated. “We do not use the political language of the gay...