Christian law school’s religious freedom ‘must yield’ to gay demands: Ontario appeals court

Trinity Western University promised to appeal today’s decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal to allow the Ontario legal profession to exclude graduates from TWU’s proposed law school. In a case that pits core constitutional freedoms of religion, conscience, expression, and association against sexual expression, the appeal court backed the latter. Its ruling stated, “TWU can hold and promote its beliefs without acting in a manner that coerces others into forsaking their true beliefs in order to have an equal opportunity to a legal education. It is at that point that the right to freedom of religion must yield.” “This isn’t just a loss for TWU,” says Amy Robertson, a spokesperson for the private university. “This is a loss for all Canadians. Freedom of conscience and religion is the first of the fundamental freedoms mentioned in the Charter. It is deeply compromised by this decision, and everyone in Canada, religious or not, should be concerned. Canada is a diverse, pluralisti...