The Holy Spirit is now being blamed for promoting homosexuality!

Al Mohler. This past week I was part of an effort that put America’s theological and moral fault lines fully in view. I was a signer of something called the Nashville Statement, a document adopted by a group of evangelical Christians seeking to reaffirm traditional Christian values on sexuality. Within hours, the vitriol in response to our document showed why such clarification is necessary. (Below is the response from Christians United - the LGBTQI churches / or liberal church / apostate church - that look sound and smell like other church but are not). One of the most intense lines of criticism was that we, signers of the document, dismiss the pain and suffering of those who live outside those historic Biblical sexual norms. That we weren’t acknowledging the rejection they feel in the church and were making their sins appear more significant than our own. To be clear: Christians understand the brokenness of the world. We signers know ourselves, like all humanity, to be broken by s...