The grand Gay Narrative - must be challenged

Gay Sexual Revolutionaries airbrush all the negative consequences out of the picture. They consistently change the subject away from these consequences and back to their favorite topic: the hatefulness of anyone who brings them up . If you experience same sex attraction , you have choices beyond the Grand Narrative. Even if you have experienced same sex attraction all your life, so consistently that you think you must have been “born that way,” you still have choices about what to do, what to think, and how to describe yourself. The medical risks are not the result of stigma or “hate.” Anal sex is intrinsically risky, so much so, that the Surgeon General once declared it “simply too risky to practice.” Having large numbers of sexual partners increases the risks of STI’s . Anyone who tells you otherwise is not being truthful with you. The Health Hazards of Homosexuality has 1,800 footnotes. Let’s look at a few topics, that can be easily checked with the most recent data from t...