A New Kind of Couple - When Best Friends Become Romantic

Romance isn’t just for male-female couples anymore. You no longer have to wait for a spouse to enjoy the intimacy of an exclusive relationship. You can find it in your best friend. Increasingly, statements like the ones above describe not just a spouse or boyfriend, but a best friend. Along with gushy words, other romantic displays of affection are sprouting up in friendships , including among Christians : holding hands , cuddling, sharing beds, celebrating anniversaries, and creating special nicknames. This exaltation of intimacy in friendship can come with some less-than-desirable side effects: jealousy when a new friend enters the picture, fear when that friend is gone, and unnatural physical affection. Today’s Society Tells a Lie For years, the media has been selling the lie that our greatest joy is to love someone and be loved in return. Movies, TV shows , books, and magazines all compel you to find the one person who gets you, who is always there for you — the one ...