Dad: No way I’ll send my kids to be brainwashed by LGBT lobby in public schools

Social conservative blogger Matt Walsh is ripping into a new policy in Charlotte, North Carolina, that banishes the words “boy” and “girl” from schools . Not mincing words as usual, Walsh headlines his article, “ There’s No Way I’ll Send My Kids To Public School To Be Brainwashed By The LGBT Lobby .” In the past, parents might have worried about leftist bias or early introduction to sexual matters, he says, but now parents simply cannot send their children to public schools without exposing them to flagrant, state-backed abuse. He writes: If you have kids in public school, you ought to be very worried right now. We’re losing an entire generation to this madness. It seems to happen on an increasingly regular basis that I receive a heart-wrenching email from a distraught parents whose son came home from school one day and announced that he’s now their daughter, or vice versa. He was sent to school to learn his ABCs, and instead they turned him into a girl. I...