Aussie archbishop removes gay ‘marriage’ advocate as speaker at Catholic conference

A Catholic member of Australia 's Parliament won`t be giving the keynote address to Catholic social workers as scheduled because of her public support of same-sex “marriage.” MP Cathy McGowan was going to speak to Catholic Social Services workers from all over Australia at a conference later this month until Melbourne Archbishop Denis Hart asked that she be disinvited because of her open backing of same-sex “marriage” legislation opposed by the Church. The conference organizers complied. Archbishop Hart’s spokesman Shane Healy told reporters, “There was no malice,” on Hart’s part, nor did he want to “in any way embarrass Cathy, but he would see with a conference such as this that the keynote speaker should be in line with Catholic teaching on that very important topic.” Catholic Social Services Victoria executive director Denis Fitzgerald admitted that his group should have “factored in all relevant issues before we invited Cathy.” Fitzgerald specula...