Bermudan premier heeds pro-family coalition’s call for vote on same-sex ‘marriage’

Bermuda 's Premier Michael Dunkley has announced plans to let all Bermudans vote on whether homosexuals should be included in the country's definition of marriage , in response to a strong pro-marriage lobby from a church-led coalition on the one hand and a court decision that same-sex couples must be treated the same as heterosexual ones on the other. A homosexual rights lawyer wasted no time in declaring that any law passed in response to a Christian lobby group might be automatically unconstitutional. Dunkley announced that the government would hold the non-binding referendum "in order to get the widest possible reach of views from the people." In the same statement, he said, "As a final and important point, this Government is of the view that marriage is a union between a man and a woman." The referendum announcement is the latest development in the same-sex issue, sparked by the landmark 2015 Supreme Court decision in the Bermuda Bred case, decla...