Anglican Communion makes last-ditch effort to save itself from schism over homosexuality

The heads of the Anglican Communion in 38 countries started a week-long meeting this week in a seemingly desperate effort to prevent the third largest Christian denomination from splitting over homosexuality. On the opening day, Anglicanism's spiritual leader, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby , who has summoned the primates, or senior archbishops, of each national, self-governing church to England for the "gathering," indicated he had little hope of reconciling the opposing sides at the theological level. "Reconciliation doesn't always mean agreement," he told the BBC. "It means finding ways of disagreeing well." Even if some churches within the 85-million-strong tradition go their "separate ways," he insisted, they would still be "family." One leader who said he was planning to go his separate way was Archbishop Stanley Ntagali, head of the Church of Uganda. On January 6, Archbishop Ntagali issued a pastoral m...