Biden lectures Australia on LGBT rights during visit

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden essentially 'told off' and lectured Australians about implementing the gay rights agenda during a diplomatic visit this week. Who does this bloke think he is? “Recently in Australia, both Victoria and New South Wales issued apologies for the past mistreatment of LGBT individuals under the law,” Biden said in his speech . “It’s a gesture that sets the stage to move forward, so that institutionalized discrimination and mistreatment of the community can never happen again.” The Church still sees homosexuality as a sin and an offence against a holy righteous God who calls all to repentance not acceptance. Next we will be apologizing to adulterers and murderers? Biden, a confused deceptive Catholic, told Australians he is “extremely proud” of the sinful work the Obama administration has done to advance the immoral LGBT cause in the United States, but there is still much work to be done to promote immorality and “talk is cheap” wh...