U.S. Psychoanalysts Apologize For Labeling Homosexuality An Illness

The American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA) apologized on Friday for previously treating homosexuality as a mental illness, saying its past errors contributed to discrimination and trauma for LGBTQ people. Unfortunately, whenever any organization moves away from the law of God they have no other alternative to accepting what scripture clearly rejects. They have no moral foundation to reject any form of LGBTQ behavior. Homosexuality by its very nature according to God's word is not God's ultimate intent and as a result not under the blessing of God hence all and any gay relationships suffer and not because APsaA held a negative view on homosexuality then changed their mind. Homosexuality is against nature itself and many who have exited this lifestyle choice say it is simply lust and pride. The Bible calls pride a great sin. Why did they change their mind? Psychiatrists declassified homosexuality as a disorder in 1973 and psychoanalysts came aro...