Transgender Funeral director and Christian Boss

A federal court has ruled that a male funeral director who was fired after announcing his intention to dress as a woman while performing his duties at a Christian funeral home was the victim of “ gender identity ” discrimination. A three-judge panel rejected the idea that a male funeral director dressing as a woman would be a distraction for loved ones of deceased persons utilizing the professional services of the Christian funeral home, asserting that the idea is “premised on presumed biases.” The funeral home is Michigan ’s R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Home. The male employee who wishes to dress as a woman goes by “Aimee Stephens.” Cross-dressing not sensitive to grieving families The court rejected not only the funeral home owner’s assertion that a high level of propriety is necessary to conduct business, but also his appeals to faith and conscience. These were dismissed as nothing more than “stereotypical notions” about how a person’s sexual organs det...