People Are Becoming Less Comfortable With LGBTQ People

After years of LGBTQ pushing their immoral agenda and the queer community celebrating their immoral fake marriage - people are becoming less comfortable of immoral LGBTQI in the United States appears to be on the decline . A new GLAAD survey unveiled Thursday at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland , has found a “swift and alarming” drop in overall acceptance of LGBTQ people. The standard victim ideology was immediately stated as usual. "There will be a significant increase in the number of LGBTQ people who say they’ve experienced discrimination on the basis of their sexuality or gender identity ." Advocates said it was the first time in the four-year history of the report, which surveyed more than 2,100 Americans over the age of 18, that the results had indicated a drop in LGBTQ acceptance. The reality of the immoral very deviant sexualized lifestyle of homosexuals is now coming home to ordinary people who are watching with horror a...