Get on the Right Side of History or Die: An Open Challenge to Christian Higher Education

Over and over again, the secular age of the 21st century presents Christians with a deadly logic: keep up or die. This requires the refashioning and remaking of Christian doctrine, theology, and convictions all in the name of cultural relevance—either get on the right side of history or you will be history. These kinds of arguments especially arise over issues of gender and sexuality. Just last week, this threat emerged in the form of an article at Religion News Service by David P. Gushee. The headline of the article read, “Christian Higher Ed Can’t Win the LGBTQ Debate Unless it Transforms.” Headlines can often tell us quite a bit about the author and his or her argument, and this headline is no different. Apparently, the headline indicates that there is a LGBTQ debate taking place within Christian institutions of higher learning and those institutions are losing the battle. The only hope for victory, according to Gushee, is to undergo theological transformation—or, to put it...