
Showing posts with the label gay arguments

Q&A on homosexual marriage

And how can we answer questions people have – especially from those who don’t believe in God?   What are the consequences for everyone if we don’t speak and the definition of marriage is changed? here are some Q&A to help you understand. “Don’t LGBTI couples deserve equality?”  Every man and woman in Australia needs to know they’re equally valuable to God. This applies to LGBTI people just as it does for everyone else. So Christians are against any law that unfairly discriminates against an LGBTI person. We actively supported the Same-Sex Relationships reforms in 2008 because it provided equal treatment, such as with laws to do with superannuation. Minister Tanya Plibersek said at the time, “We removed every piece of legal discrimination against gay men, lesbians and same-sex couples on the statute books”.1 It was the right thing to do for individuals. Today the debate isn’t really about discrimination – as Minister Plibersek says, the discrim...

Same Sex Relationships: Should We Just Agree to Disagree?

Some issues in the Christian life matter more than others. The apostle Paul made a distinction between matters that were primary to the gospel, and issues that were not. In 1 Corinthians 15:3 he writes, “What I received I passed on to you as of first importance.” This is not to say that other issues are of no importance, just that they are not of first importance. Not taking a side on this issue is to take a side. To decide it is a matter of indifference is to risk having Jesus against you. In Romans 14:1 he instructs his readers not to pass judgment on “disputable matters.” On such issues Christians need to know their own mind and receive in fellowship those who differ. We might consider as examples of present day "disputable matters" issues like infant baptism , or our understanding of the end times. On such matters Christians are free to differ. But on matters of first importance we must remain in agreement if we are to be faithful to the gospel. There are five r...

Is the Apostle Paul's judgement on homosexuality just about abusive homosexuality?

Some scholars have asserted that Paul's writings about  homosexuality are actually about abusive homosexual relationships   (i.e., rape, prostitution, etc.). Isn't it the case that what Paul  says does not apply to consensual same-sex relationships ? Due to the work of Robert Gagnon and many other biblical scholars, we know that this was not the case.' Secular historians of the Roman Empire  also record clear examples of consensual, adult same-sex relationships in the Greco-Roman world . Paul knew exactly what he was condemning . Christians need to remember, given the doctrine of the divine inspiration of Scripture, that when Paul condemns something, the Holy Spirit condemns it as well. When we cite Paul, we cite the Holy Spirit. Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians 5 present a very sophisticated argument for the sinfulness of same-sex acts and same-sex relationships. In 1 Corinthians 5, Paul demonstrates an undeniable belie...