There is No Justification for a Conservative Senator to Sign the ‘Respect for Marriage Act’

Why would 12 Republican senators vote in favor of a bill which “provides statutory authority for same-sex and interracial marriages”? How could almost 25% of all Republican senators agree to back this? The issue, of course, is not their backing of interracial marriages. No major leader with any credibility or respected platform is saying such marriages should not be recognized by law. In fact, it is misleading even to put interracial marriages, which contain the fundamental building blocks of marriage and family, namely a man and a woman, in the same category as same-sex “marriages,” which by definition omit either the man or the woman. Rejection of interracial marriages is a matter of bigotry, not biology. The issue is these Republican leaders offering their names in support of these same-sex unions. What could possibly motivate them? Accepting Obergefell and Thinking This Bill Protects Religious Liberties In the words of Sen. Mitt Romney, one of the aforementioned 12 and himself...