The Spiritual and Moral Bankruptcy of ‘Progressive’ Christianity

Author: M. Brown . So-called “progressive” Christians love to bash conservative Christians. They call us dinosaurs. They mock us as outdated fundamentalists. They taunt us as “Bible bashers.” They claim to be the enlightened ones, and they celebrate their departure from the “traditional church.” But the reality is that they are simply following the spirit of the age, swimming with the current cultural tide rather than against it. In the name of conformity to Jesus, they are being conformed to the world. How ironic. On Saturday night, while working on a major book project at my computer, I noticed a tweet from a “progressive” pastor. I had reached out him to several times before, but always without response. He wrote , quite out of the blue, “When hopelessly phobic people of faith like the @DrMichaelLBrown claim that God is against ‘homosexual practice.’ #ThatsNotAThing” As soon as I spotted the tweet, I replied , “Hey John, I’ve reached out to you on several occ...