Study: Born Gay - No way!

The issue of sexual orientation has been a very controversial issue since nations in the West began to recognize Gays , Lesbians , Bisexuals and Transgender ( LGBT ) rights. An important part of the current LGBT debate is the belief that sexual orientation is predetermined by biology. Therefore, if a person has no choice over whether to be gay or not, society cannot demand that he or she becomes ‘straight’. The Supreme Court decision in the USA also falls down. This is a sound and reasonable argument. Indeed, society cannot force people to change from something they have no control over. On the other hand, the ‘born that way’ argument has been disputed by some people. A latest cross-discipline study published in the journal New Atlantis has challenged the belief that human sexuality and gender identity are determined by biology and remains fixed. The New Atlantis journal focuses on political, societal and ethical ramifications of technological advances. The study, carried ...