Microsoft Pounds the Hammer of Homosexual ‘Pride’

“What is Pride to you?” asked the email message I received from Microsoft last week. Ah, yes. It’s June. In years past it was the premiere month for brides and weddings. In the Catholic Church, it is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. But now in our society, June has been forcibly reclaimed for something else, something in which we are all hereby obligated to take pride. No ‘Pride’ for Me, Thanks Sorry, but no. “Pride” means nothing to me. Why should it? I’m neither “L” nor “G” nor “B” nor any of the other letters in the alphabet soup that headlines this societal takeover. Pride in the sexual behaviour of others is not something I care to celebrate or participate in at all. Microsoft’s message is only one example of the way in which “Pride” is force-fed to every breathing person these days. You will think about “Pride,” and you will be confronted with “Pride,” and you will celebrate “Pride” or be punished. You do not have the option to decline ...