Canadian pediatricians tell parents: it’s normal for your kid to switch genders every day

The Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) has released a new set of guidelines for discussing transgenderism with children, encouraging parents to accept and reinforce their kids’ gender confusion . “More and more, parents are asking us when and how gender identity typically develops in children, what is considered typical behaviour, and what they should expect at certain ages,” CPS president Dr Mike Dickinson said . “ Paediatricians are well-positioned to answer these questions and help parents promote healthy gender development in their children.” He explained that the guidelines were originally conceived as a “primer for our members,” but written as “something that might be helpful to the public at large,” to direct both parents and paediatricians on how to discuss transgenderism with children. The guidelines tell parents it is “normal and healthy” for children as young as two to “assume other gender identities at different times (sometimes even in the sa...