The problem with homosexuality - Double lives and lying to Christians

While Ms. Beattie enjoyed her job, she knew being a lesbian didn't exactly fit the religious ethos of her workplace. She also knew that the longer she stayed, the harder it would get. She also lied on her application. The turning point came soon after she became pregnant through IVF with her lesbian partner. Sadly, she miscarried ; that's when she decided it was time to leave. So instead of repenting of her sin and deception and seeking grace from her Christian employer instead she chose to continue to live her immoral lifestyle and leave. "I couldn't turn to anyone because I knew there would be questions: What support did I have at home? Do I have a husband? That's when I realised I couldn't conceal it anymore. The whole thing really ground me down, actually. It's hard to go to work and not be able to talk about your partner, or what you're doing on the weekends. I'm a very open person, so I was embarrassed telling my friends I had to li...