Why we don't hear more about LGBTQ Health Hazards

Psychologist A. Dean Byrd stated: On the issue of risks of homosexual practices, the national [health] organizations have become reckless guardians of the public health. The failure to report morbidity and mortality rates associated with homosexual practices should be cause for governmental scrutiny. The furthering of an agenda – no matter whose agenda – must not be placed above the lives of those whose interests must be protected. Activism must not be placed above science in informing public policy. It is an injustice to homosexual men and women to allow activism, including accusations of homophobia, to silence discussion of health risks or to suppress research. A civil society has an obligation to implement policies that promote the health and well-being of its citizens. In the early 1970s, sexual-radical activists subverted the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association and forced the removal of homosexuality from the list of mental...