Girls must get over their ‘discomfort’ at seeing male genitals in locker room: Charlotte Observer

Girls need to get over the “discomfort” they may feel at seeing male genitalia in the locker room, the editorial board of one of North Carolina’s largest newspapers wrote in a piece supporting the Obama administration ’s transgender school facilities edict. The Obama administration’s threat to withhold federal funding from schools that don’t allow males to share restrooms, locker rooms, showers, and hotel rooms with females “is sure to bring more heat to the bathroom debate, but eventually the decree should have the opposite effect,” the Charlotte Observer editorial board wrote. “It will bring acceptance, as these measures do, by showing that the answer to what happens in bathrooms is a lot less fearsome than the question.” “Yes, the thought of male genitalia in girls’ locker rooms – and vice versa – might be distressing to some,” the editorial board continued. “But the battle for equality has always been in part about overcoming discomfort – with blacks sharing facilities...