The Bible Does Reject ‘Transgender’ Behavior

With the op-ed “ Where in the Bible does it say you can’t be transgender? Nowhere ” (Aug. 26), the Washington Post apparently feels no embarrassment from publishing such a poorly executed attempt at exegesis of the biblical text (this from 3 weeks ago; it’s hard to keep up with nonsense). I had already responded on Aug. 15 to a badly done New York Times op-ed that claimed that the Bible depicts God as transgendered and affirms gender fluidity. The WashPost op-ed arrives at a similar ideological objective (i.e., claiming that the Bible is not opposed to transgenderism) but from a different angle. Rather than make the case that the Bible endorses transgenderism it attempts to argue that “there is not a single verse in scripture that discusses transgender identities.” The author is a certain Eliel Cruz who is identified as “a bisexual Christian writer” and “executive director of Faith in America ” (a organization which, according to his bio , is “dedicated to ending religious based...