Slovenians overwhelmingly reject same-sex ‘marriage’ in referendum

A Slovenian pro-family coalition has won a referendum rejecting by a two-to-one margin a law legalizing same-sex "marriage," despite many roadblocks. It matches pro-family initiatives across Eastern Europe . The Christian Coalition claimed a complete victory. It had not only won the referendum required, by a 63-36% margin of the popular vote, but also surpassed the required quorum of 30% of eligible voters by 7%. Its leaders, Metka Zevnik and Aleš Primc, issued a brief note of triumph, stating, "We have succeeded! Congratulations to all of you who in the referendum contributed to the excellent outcome! We are grateful to all supporters and sympathizers and their families for all the support and excellent work." A referendum earlier this year in Slovakia produced an astonishing 94% majority against same-sex "marriage," but only 21 % of the electorate participated, far below the 50% threshold required. (Last year, Slovakian legislators enshri...