Church of England official: Transgenders could be ‘re-christened’ after ‘sex change’

The Church of England is considering the creation of a liturgy to affirm transgenders in their sex “change that could aggravate its own internal divide and further sunder Anglican Communion worldwide. An official said that while no one can be “re-baptized,” the church founded by King Henry VIII may decide to “re-christen” transgenders with their new name and opposite sex “identity.” “It is a fundamental belief of the Church that baptism can only be received once,” Synod Secretary General William Nye affirmed . The ancient Nicene Creed of universal Christendom delineates that there is “one baptism for the remission of sins,” reflecting the Apostle Paul ’s declaration in Ephesians 4:5 and the Apostle Peter ’s exhortation in Acts 2:38 . Nevertheless, Nye says there may be a way around re-baptism for men who want to be women, and vice versa. The Church of England could simply re-fashion a liturgy of “welcome” and allow a man-turned-”woman” to “reaf...