
Showing posts with the label abuse

Ex-trans patient joins landmark legal case against gender clinic

Giving powerful drugs to children who are confused about their gender puts them on a “torturous” path, a former transsexual has warned as she joined a major legal action against the NHS. Keira Bell was given hormone blockers and cross-sex hormones when she was a teenager but has now returned to living as a woman. She says: “I do not believe that children and young people can consent to the use of powerful and experimental hormone drugs like I did.” Underlying causes Susan Evans, a former psychiatric nurse, launched the challenge, accusing the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust’s Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) of rushing decisions. Evans, a former employee, brought the case to the High Court alongside the mother of a 15-year-old autistic girl who is waiting for hormones from the clinic. Now Bell has joined the action, and speaking after a hearing explained her deep misgivings about the situation. “I believe that the current affirmative system put in place by t...

The Homosexual left has failed become violent

We’ve reached a turning point in the culture wars. The left’s giving up the moral high ground it stole from Christians and fighting dirty for real now. Leftists have so convinced themselves that Christians and other conservatives are “haters,” they think anything they do is good, loving and just. If a leftist sucker-punches conservatives, he’s just fighting for justice against a more powerful oppressor. Disturbing, yes. No one wants to get sucker-punched. But it also opens up new strategic opportunities. The Left’s Moral High Ground Strategy The left fighting dirty is disturbing, but it’s not all bad. It undermines one of their most crucial strategies of the past few decades, one in which they’ve succeeded all too well. They’ve taken over almost all the moral high ground in public perception, especially in the minds of young people. This claim to hold the moral high ground has been the key to their progress. They couldn’t have pushed gay marriage through without painting us as anti...

Australian law bans speech vilifying opponents in gay ‘marriage’ debate

Australian parliament is expected to pass a temporary law this week making it illegal to “vilify” or “intimidate” supporters and opponents of same-sex “marriage” as the country braces for a non-binding postal vote on the issue. The bill applies to content produced by the “yes” and “no” campaigns.   “It includes measures to prevent vilification, intimidation, or threats to cause harm on the basis of the sexual orientation, gender identity, intersex status or the religious convictions of someone during the survey period,” the Australian Broadcasting Corporation  reported . The measure will "safeguard against hate speech." “I have no fear whatsoever with regard to any of the comments that I have made on the public record,”  said Lyle Shelton of the Australian Christian Lobby , which is urging people to vote “no.” “I will always stand up and criticize public policy which requires a child to miss out on their mother and father, not through tragedy or desertion bu...

Religious test imposed by the State to flush out anti-gay supporters?

U.S. Supreme Court building. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The state of Kentucky has begun imposing a religious test on volunteer pastor counselors in its youth division, insisting that they refrain from calling homosexuality “sinful” and dismissing those who cannot bend their religious faith to accommodate the state requirements. The policy was uncovered by Liberty Counsel, which has sent a letter to Bob Hayter, commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice , demanding that the state religious test be dropped and that a dismissed counselor be reinstated. “Liberty Counsel writes regarding the blatantly unconstitutional revocation of volunteer prison minister status of ordained Christian minister David Wells , who has provided voluntary spiritual counseling and mentorship to juvenile inmates under the control of the Department of Juvenile Justice. … This revocation was issued by Warren County Regional Juvenile Detention Center on the basis of the April 4, 2014, DJJ ...

National Surveys Show Decline in Support for Same-sex 'Marriage'

National Surveys Show Decline in Support for Same-sex 'Marriage' We reported last week about the phenomenal change in public opinion concerning the public's support for same-sex 'marriage' as documented by a national survey conducted by the Associated Press/Gfk . The AP/GfK survey found support for SSM down 6 points since April, and opposition up by 4 points — a combined 10 point swing in public opinion. Two other national polls have been released, both showing a similar trend. Ipsos/Reuters found in its most recent survey that 51% of adults support same-sex 'marriage,' down 3 points since April. And the latest Gallup poll showed support for same-sex 'marriage' at 58% with opposition at 40%. As we've pointed out previously , the support number is artificially high due to Gallup's use of the dubious practice of "priming" whereby they ask a leading question designed to elicit support for same-sex couples right before asking about ga...

USA - Support for Gay Marriage drops

Crowd in support of Gay Marriage (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A new national survey released a few days ago by the Associated Press/GfK found that support for same-sex 'marriage' has collapsed. Since the Supreme Court ruling, support for SSM has dropped by 6 points and opposition has increased by 4 points — a combined 10 point movement in public opinion . That is an astonishing degree of movement in such a short period of time! The AP survey found that 42% of Americans support same-sex 'marriage' while 40% now oppose it. Statistically, that is a dead heat. Just this past April, supporters of SSM enjoyed a 12 point advantage, 48%-36%. Since the Supreme Court decision imposing gay 'marriage' in every state, we're now in a whole new ballgame. I am so encouraged by the public reaction to the illegitimate decision of the Supreme Court because it means that NOM's five-point plan to contain and then reverse it has a real chance of capturing the support ...

Christian couple loses business for refusing to participate in gay ‘wedding’

An Iowa Christian couple has lost their livelihood, because they believe in natural marriage. Richard and Betty Odgaard ran Görtz Haus Gallery in Grimes, Iowa -- a beautiful wedding chapel, art gallery, flower shop, and bistro.  They had been serving happy customers in the renovated stone church for 11 years.  That is, until homosexuals from Des Moines targeted their Christian business, to use as a tool of the gay agenda.  Their plan to attack Christian businesses using same-sex "marriage" as a civil rights issue has worked with Oregon bakers, New Mexico photographers, and New York farmers. On August 3, 2013, two homosexuals came in to Görtz Haus and asked the Odgaards to host their gay "wedding."  The Odgaards, who are devout Mennonites, politely responded that because of their religious faith, they could not in good conscience facilitate a homosexual ceremony. Betty told the homosexuals that she would be happy to serve them "in any other way."  “To u...