Can you be gay and Christian? Here’s what the Bible says

It’s the question that’s dividing churches and separating family members. It’s the question that must be answered: Can you be gay and Christian ? Well, if you claim to be a Christian, that means that Jesus is your Lord and the Bible tells you how to follow him. So, the real question is: What does Jesus have to say about this? And what does the Bible – God ’s Word – have to say? That’s what we need to find out. Of course, we understand that every Christian struggles in some area, whether it be pride or anger or lust or jealousy or greed. But we also recognize that acting on these desires and attitudes is sinful, and so we say ‘No’ to them and ‘ Yes ’ to the Lord. In the same way, some Christians struggle with same-sex attractions , saying ‘No’ to acting on those attractions and ‘Yes’ to following the Lord. That’s their area of temptation and battle. But what about those who say, “God made me gay, and if I’m in a committed relationship, the Lord is pleased. Aft...