U.S. Embassy celebrates ‘Pride’ week in Prague as it awaits Trump-appointed ambassador

The U.S. Embassy in the Czech Republic lit up with “rainbow colors,” Obama-style, to promote " Prague Pride Week ” as America ’s pro-homosexuality foreign policy continues under Trump with a liberal State Department bureaucracy firmly committed to LGBT “rights.” The Embassy in Prague, the Czech capital, announced a series of events honoring homosexual-bisexual-transgender “pride week” (August 7-13) on its website and Twitter account , coming alongside the Czech LGBT organization Prague Pride. On June 26, 2015, President Obama lit up the White House like a “rainbow flag” to mark the Supreme Court's Obergefell ruling imposing homosexuality-based “marriage” on all 50 states. “The U.S. Embassy in Prague is a proud supporter of the Prague Pride Festival and Pride activities taking place August 7-13 throughout the city,” states the U.S. Embassy in the Czech Republic website. “We stand in solidarity with human rights defenders and ci...