
Showing posts with the label Cambridge University

Government leader says incest should be legal with consenting adults: the homosexual agenda get extended

New Act leader Jamie Whyte has back-tracked on comments that incestuous relationships between consenting adults should not be illegal. Speaking on RadioLive this morning, Mr Whyte admitted he had regretted the comments published in an article on The Ruminator Website. "I regret the comments, mainly because I feel I let the party down,'' he said. The u-turn comes less than a day after he told the Herald he stood by his comments. In an article published on The Ruminator website, former philosophy lecturer Dr Whyte was asked whether the state should intervene if adult siblings wanted to marry each other. "Well personally, I don't think they [the State] should," he replied, adding it was "a matter of almost no significance because it just doesn't happen". Dr Whyte initially told the Herald his response was based on his belief that: "I don't think the state should intervene in consensual adult sex or marriage (homosexual marriage), but th...