Using the Bible to oppose homosexuality is a rather recent occurrence. True or False?

Objection Stated Using the Bible to oppose homosexuality is a rather recent occurrence. Similar to the previous argument about the word “homosexual,” it is commonly claimed that the Bible only recently is being interpreted to condemn homosexuality. It is argued that translations of certain passages are being accomplished in accordance with “anti-gay bias” and that such opposition from the church has not always been present. Daniel Helminiak wrote, Taken on its own terms and in its own time, the Bible nowhere condemns homosexuality as we know it today.… It should be considered outrageous for any educated person to quote the Bible to condemn homosexuality.… A millennium ago, Western society was rather indifferent to homosexuality and even supportive of it.”8 Later he offered these surprising comments: Since about the 12th Century , this story [regarding the destruction of Sodom ] has been commonly taken to condemn homosexuality. The very word “sodomit...