Lesbian ex-nun sues Chile in international court for right to teach Catholic religion classes

An ex-nun habituated to homosexual behavior who has been prohibited from teaching Catholic religion classes in Chilean public schools will soon have her case heard by the Inter- American Commission for Human Rights , on the grounds of “discrimination.” Sandra Pavez, who reportedly taught the Catholic religion to public school students for 22 years, was removed from her position in 2007 when her immoral personal behavior became known to both the bishop and the vicar of education of the diocese of San Bernardo , according to commission filings. Although the bishop admonished Pavez to “immediately terminate her homosexual life,” and urged her to seek psychological help for her behavior, she refused. As a result, the diocese sent a letter to Pavez and to the local director of education, informing her that her certificate of suitability for teaching Catholicism had been revoked. She has not taught religion in public schools since that time. The Chilean government mandates that a...