Belgian Catholics urge Rome to discipline Antwerp bishop over gay advocacy

Pro Familia, a Belgian association of Catholic lay people, has decided to act against the public stance made by Antwerp Bishop Johan Bonny , who suggests in a new book published Friday that homosexual pairs, divorced, remarried and cohabiting couples should receive a Church blessing as part of a “diversity of rituals” that would recognize the “exclusiveness and stability” of their unions. “The question of Communion for the divorced and remarried should be carefully weighed," he writes. "It is not a question of a general ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ but of an evaluation. You have to judge on the basis of the individual situation of the persons involved. Or, better said, they can and must participate in that judging in the light of certain criteria.” In a press release published last week on its blog and picked up by the Flemish media, Pro Familia announced its intent to file a complaint in Rome with Cardinal Beniamino Stella , the Prefect of the Congregation for the C...