Gay activists sue Swiss Catholic bishop for inciting violence after he quotes Bible

August 11, 2015 -- A homosexual activist group called Pink Cross, the umbrella organization of Swiss male homosexuals , has announced that it will file a lawsuit against Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur, Switzerland . The organization claims that Huonder had publicly called for crimes against homosexuals by quoting the Book of Leviticus at a recent conference in Fulda, Germany . Bishop Huonder had given this talk on July 31 at a conservative Catholic conference organized by a lay organization, Forum Deutscher Katholiken, that is opposed to the proposals to change and liberalize the Catholic Church's moral teaching on marriage and the family. The conference, “Rejoicing in the Faith” (Freude am Glauben), published a communiqué in which it asks the pope and Synod Fathers to “find answers taken from the sources of knowledge of the Holy Scripture and the Church's Tradition which fill today's life reality of the faithful with new Christian spirit.” The conference c...