Homosexuality a degrading passion - New Testament Book of Romans

Before Paul can proclaim the good news of redemption in Jesus Christ , he must establish the need of that redemption. So the beginning of the letter that epitomizes the good news begins with two and a half chapters of bad news. These initial chapters of Romans provide an unquestionable demonstration of the sinfulness of man. It is in the context of this necessary presentation of man’s need that we find the key texts that come into play in the debate over homosexuality. But it should be emphasized that these verses do not exist in a vacuum. They cannot be separated out and considered without realizing that they are a part of an entire presentation. And this presentation is one that confirms, beyond question, the essential correctness of the view Christians have held from the beginning: that Paul singles out homosexuality in Romans 1:26–27 as an illustration of the judgment of God upon those who refuse to acknowledge His lordship over their lives. To establish the unquesti...