Transgender activists accused of attempting to shut down debate

Transgender activists have been accused of attempting to shut down debate, as a former children’s minister said that young people’s welfare is being “sacrificed on the altar of political correctness”. It's all the rage to confuse kids and their gender. Homosexuals have succeeded in promoting the sin of homosexuality as something good and anybody who simply disagrees is called intolerant a hater, a 1950's backward moralizer. Now transgender advocates are doing the same poor abusive argument style - shut down and abuse anybody who disagrees. CONFUSION AND HOMOSEXUAL BAD IDEOLOGY The women’s minister is facing a backlash after saying that she is “a little cautious” about the number of teenagers undergoing gender reassignment treatment. In other words - its trendy at the moment! Everybody thinks they are not who they are! Transgender is now being clearly revealed as a mental health problem. Kids are being confused by LGBT ideology being taught and permitted at school, in t...