
Showing posts with the label Hatmaker

Hatmaker explains why she rejected the “bad fruit” of the Bible’s teaching about homosexuality

Last week,  Pete Enns interviewed Jen Hatmaker  about her recent exit from evangelical Christianity. You can download the interview  here  or listen below: 00:00 00:00 Audio Player Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. – The interview focuses on Hatmaker’s decision to embrace homosexual immorality as consistent with following Jesus. Among other things, Hatmaker describes all the consequences that have resulted from that decision—lost book contracts, cancelled speaking engagements, estranged friends and church members. She describes a harrowing emotional cost for her decision to walk away from the 2,000-year old teaching of the Christian church. I have previously heard her talk about a lot of this, but one item in particular stuck out to me this time. One of the interviewers asked her if she had an “Aha!” moment in her reading of scripture that led her to her new views. Hatmaker explains that since key biblical ...